ACM Books
High Quality, Advanced-Level Books for the Computing Community
ACM Books is a series of scholarly research monographs and graduate-level texts, authored by computer scientists and practitioners at the forefront of computing technology. The series includes books from across the spectrum of computer science, geared to researchers, educators, practitioners and students.
The series focuses on four kinds of books: graduate-level textbooks, research monographs that provide an overview of established and emerging fields, practitioner-level professional books, and books devoted to the history and social impact of computing. ACM Books are conveniently published as ebooks and print volumes at affordable prices and widely distributed through booksellers and to libraries and individual ACM members via the ACM Digital Library.
Find Subject Coverage that Spans the Entire Range of Computing Science
The ACM Books series is comprehensive in its coverage of both established and emerging computing fields. At present, the series' editorial scope spans a broad list of subject areas. We will expand this list to cover all areas of computer science and engineering research, and so this list will grow and change.
Discover an Editorial Board Comprised of the Foremost Names in Computer Science
ACM Books is managed by an editorial board composed of world-renowned professionals in computer science and engineering who collectively represent the field’s major areas of study.
Authors – Submit Your Work to the World's Most Respected Computing Science Publisher
See author instructions for information to help authors submit proposal, prepare manuscripts, and learn about ACM’s publishing policies.
Smart, Aggressive Promotion Drives Sales of ACM Books
As the world's largest international association and publisher in the field of computing, ACM has the ability to promote your work to a global audience. To enhance discovery, all ACM Books are included in the ACM Digital Library. At present, more than 1,500,000 students, researchers, educators, and practitioners from over 2,800 institutions from academia, government, and industry regularly download content from the ACM Digital Library. Learn more.
Flexible Purchase Options for Libraries and Individuals
ACM Books are priced affordably for institutions to maximize the accessibility of all titles published in the series. Pricing is based on an “ownership model” that provides “archival rights” for customers purchasing an entire collection of ACM Books, with the ability to locally host individual titles for internal use at the discretion of the purchasing institution.
While individual titles in the series are available for purchase through the most popular book and e-book retailers, the most affordable way for individuals to access every book is through the heavily discounted ACM Membership pricing option ($29 annual price for professional members and $10 annual price for student members).
Bundled pricing for institutions makes it possible for all users within an institution to have unrestricted access to titles published in the ACM Books series.
Read more detailed pricing information.
New Title from ACM Books: Information Retrieval: Advanced Topics and Techniques
In the last decade, deep learning and word embeddings have made significant impacts on information retrieval (IR) by adding techniques based in neural networks and language models. At the same time, certain search modalities such as neural IR and conversational search have become more popular. Information Retrieval: Advanced Topics and Techniques, written by international academic and industry experts and edited by Omar Alonso and Ricardo Baeza-Yates, brings the field up to date with detailed discussions of these new approaches and techniques.

New Title from ACM Books: Formal Methods for Safe Autonomy
Formal Methods for Safe Autonomy: Data-Driven Verification, Synthesis, and Applications by Chuchu Fan introduces new verification and synthesis algorithms to provide certifiable trusts for real-world autonomous systems. On the theoretical front, the techniques are armed with soundness, precision, and relative completeness guarantees. On the experimental side, this book shows that techniques can be successfully applied on a sequence of real-world problems. It is written for researchers in the corporate world, academia, government, and practitioners in autonomous systems.

New Title from ACM Books: Rendering History by Gloria Childress Townsend
Published in celebration of ACM-W’s 30th birthday, Rendering History: The Women of ACM-W is divided into three parts The first section provides a traditional history that details the evolution of ACM-W’s projects. The next section allows the women of ACM-W to tell their own stories. What motivated them to trade personal time and energy for work that would change the face of computing for women and young girls? And final section of the book provides an annotated bibliography of the research that launched ACM-W and continued to inform its projects over the next 30 years.