Outstanding School Service 2012-2013
NUST SEECS ACM Student Chapter
Name: NUST SEECS ACM Student Chapter
Address: Islamabad, Pakistan
School Service #: 1
ACM Student Welfare Association NUST (ASWAN).
No. of Students benefiting: 50
Description: The most important contribution that our chapter gives to our school is the establishment of ASWAN i.e. ACM Student Welfare Association NUST. This association is a subsidiary of ACM Student Chapter at SEECS and has been established to support the brilliant and bright students who cannot pursue their studies due to reasons such as financial constraints etc. Apart from its role as a vital forum for the exchange of information, ideas, and discoveries, ACM Student Chapter NUST-SEECS has a great concern for fellow students. It feels its responsibility to provide every possible help required by the deserving students. That is the reason ASWAN was formed under the umbrella of ACM NUST-SEECS Student Chapter. ASWAN is purely based on pro-bono-public. With the objective of student welfare, we have braced ourselves in order to play the role of sheet-anchor to provide assistance to the students who do not have the resources to realize their academic ambitions.
The ACM Student Chapter at SEECS is planning to organize a festival as per its tradition in order to raise funds for ASWAN. Details about ASWAN can be found at: http://acm.seecs.nust.edu.pk/
School Service #: 2
English Corner
No. of Students benefiting: 100
Description: The ACM Student Chapter took the initiative of boosting up the confidence of students when it comes to Communication Skills in English. For this purpose, it has been arranging special workshops for students where they are encouraged to express themselves in English. This not only increases their confidence in spoken English but in the longer run it will help them a lot with presentations and interviews.
School Service #: 3
Help Sessions /Tutorials
No. of Students benefiting: 200
Description: The ACM Student Chapter organizes help sessions and tutorials for its students on monthly basis. The main purpose of these activities is to help students who are lagging behind in studies and also to help those students who wish to learn new technologies. The ACM Student Chapter serves the students by organizing three main events:
Multimedia Week: These series of workshops were organized to familiarize students with latest multimedia tools such Adobe Photoshop, and MX Flash 2004.
Linux Security Workshop: An extensive one month workshop familiarizing the students with the security parameters and measures of Linux.
Details can be found on: http://acm.seecs.nust.edu.pk
School Service #: 4
Informative Seminars and competitions
No. of Students benefiting: 200
Description: In extension of its school services Program, the ACM Student Chapter at SEECS organizes series of informative seminars for its fellow students. The aim of these seminars is to enlighten students with new ideas, technologies and people.
School Service # 5
NUST Arts Science and Technology Exhibition and Competition Asia-NASTEC 09
No. of students benefiting: 770
Description: For two consecutive years SEECS-ACM has organized an ALL PAKISTAN ARTS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY EXHIBITION AND COMPETITION with a participation of over a 350 from other universities of Pakistan. The event was covered by Radio1 FM 91 and DUNYA TV.
Now, after the unimaginable success and appreciation of the event, the student chapter plans on taking it one step further and to open it for all universities across Asia. This event will promote cross cultural exposure and invite students from all across the continent to experience the rice culture of Pakistan. It will also help generate an environment of cooperation and collaboration among universities across borders.
The event will be held in December 2012
School Service # 6
Young Leader's Conference
No of Students Benefiting: 350
Description: ACM-SEECS is planning to organize Young Leaders’ Conference in August spanning over the twin cities and their universities and colleges. This event will enhance the developmental and analytical skills of students in politics, development and business. Many dignitaries from the industries shall deliver seminars and witness the event
School Service # 7
SEECS ACM Members’ Blog
No of Students Benefiting: 70
Description: ACM-SEECS are the pioneers of blogging in NUST. The chapter created a blog to give a platform to young minds to express themselves and to develop comprehensive communication skills which will help them professionally and academically.
The chapter also conducts literary competitions on the page to promote an environment friendly culture by saving paper and other resources that would be utilized on the publicity of the event. The writers for the blog are growing exponentially.
The blog can be found on: http://acm.seecs.nust.edu.pk/blog
School Service # 8
SEECS ACM Annual Magazine
Description: SEECS-ACM is also the flag bearer in starting the ONLY publication of SEECS. The chapter started a magazine known by the name of ACMer. The purpose of this magazine is to provide a round-up of all the activities that have been conducted by ACM in the preceding year. It also goes through all the research being done in SEECS to give the students an insight to all that is happening around them. The maiden copy of the magazine is already freely available on the website and a MUCH improved second version is ready to be launched on 18th May 2012.
The chapter is again making an Android application for the magazine which will be freely available to all students and faculty.
Details can be found on: http://acm.seecs.nust.edu.pk/
Regional Office Setup
Description: ACM-SEECS is looking forward to setup the very first Regional Office of ACM at H-12 in collaboration with other ACM Chapters of the Islamabad region. Moreover, it is also planning to persuade other universities to setup their local chapters
Details can be found on: http://acm.seecs.nust.edu.pk/
School Service # 10
Collaboration with other ACM chapters of Pakistan
Description: ACM-SEECS is looking forward to organize events now at National Level in collaboration with other ACM chapters of Pakistan. It has recently signed a collaboration document with FAST-NU chapter.
Details can be found on: http://acm.seecs.nust.edu.pk/
School Service # 11
Campus Betterment
Description: SEECS-ACM is a non-profit student organization. At the end of the term, a major fraction of all that is saved by the chapter is donated to the school in one form or another. After a great year, the chapter has enough resources to donate 3 desktop computers to the university.
The chapter plans to install the computers in various corridors so that they can serve as help desks for students and visitors. The installation of these computers would increase convenience for everybody on campus.
The financial details of the matter are being finalized.
Publish with ACM
ACM's prestigious conferences and journals seek top-quality papers in all areas of computing and IT. It is now easier than ever to find the most appropriate venue for your research and publish with ACM.
Lifelong Learning
ACM offers lifelong learning resources including online books and courses from Skillsoft, TechTalks on the hottest topics in computing and IT, and more.