Summary of Volunteer Travel Policy (Policy

Section 2.4.2

Travel Policy and Procedure for ACM Volunteers & Headquarters Staff

A. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to provide travel policy guidelines to ACM volunteers.

B. Policy

  1. Financial support for travel should only be requested and approved if no other source of funding is available.
  2. Travel expenses will only be reimbursed if the proper procedures (i.e. Travel Request Authorization Form) are followed, except in emergency situations. Emergency travel may be authorized by the appropriate volunteer, but ACM Headquarters must be notified, in writing, of the authorization no more than five (5) working days after the travel is authorized.
  3. Funds approved and reimbursed for travel must be within budgetary limitations.  For unbudgeted travel, a Travel Request Authorization Form (TAF) must be completed and submitted to the SIG Treasurer.  
  4. **ACM will NOT pay volunteer registration fees to ACM or other sponsored conferences or meetings, without prior written approval of the ACM President.
  5. Expenses will be reimbursed according to the following guidelines:
  • Air travel should be economy, except for international trips if the flying time (including stops) is six hours or longer, in which case business class may be utilized if the travel authorization has been approved with business class specified and there are budgeted funds to cover it.  

  • Rail travel is an acceptable means of transportation, assuming it is practical. If traveling by rail requires overnight travel, the individual can either book a sleeper car or an extra night at a hotel on the rail route, whichever has the lowest overall cost to ACM.
  • Travel and subsistence should be at the lowest overall cost to ACM.

  • If you need to stay an extra night to obtain a better airfare, and the total subsistence is less than the difference of the flight cost, do so, as long as it doesn't interfere with personal requirements.

  • If you stay extra time for personal reasons, and the resulting airfare is lower, hotel and meal costs should not be charged to ACM.

  • If you are combining an ACM trip with regular business, airfare and subsistence should be paid on a pro-rata basis.

  • Use of your personal automobile is permitted where this is reasonable and convenient. Mileage will be reimbursed at the IRS allowable rate along with reasonable amounts for parking and tolls. Submitted expense report must include the To/From addresses. Gasoline, oil, insurance, depreciation, etc., are included in this allowance.

  • Transportation from airports and train stations should be by the lowest commercial carrier available except when it is more appropriate to take a car service, as in the case of time constraints or number of people traveling.

  • Reimbursement for meals are based on a maximum daily rate and are determined by geographical areas. The maximum subsistence is $60 per day in the United States and $75 per day outside the United States. Meal reimbursements will be for actual expenses up to these amounts, and would not apply if one is attending an ACM meeting or function where a meal is provided.

  • Reasonable laundry and cleaning expenses will be reimbursed for travel over three (3) days.

  • Gratuities for emergency situations at conventions (last minute resets, moving of materials, etc.) are permitted only by a senior staff member or other headquarters personnel authorized by the COO.

  • Receipts indicating proof of payment/zero balance are required for any airline and/or rail transportation, hotel, laundry and cleaning expenses.

**Per accounting compliance, ACM is unable to reimburse conference registration fees.  Volunteers should request conference organizers to provide a complimentary registration code (comp code) to use when registering.  

C. Procedures

You should submit your Travel Request Authorization Form to the designated approval authority prior to your travel. Part B of this form must be completed by the designated approval authority and a determination should be made if an advance is required.  Expenses must be submitted within 10 days of travel, and must be submitted on ACM's Expense Report along with the appropriate original receipts. Failure to submit an expense report on a timely basis where an advance was given will result in the volunteer not receiving a second advance until the first one is accounted for. In addition, the amount of the advance will be reported to the US Internal Revenue Service as income in compliance with IRS and international tax regulations.

D. Special Policy and Procedure for Conferences

This special policy applies to all ACM and SIG Conference Chairs and members of their committees:

  1. Request for travel and/or subsistence will only be approved if funding is not available from other than ACM sources.
  2. These policies apply only when travel has been budgeted in the approved conference budget.
  3. Travel Approvals for Conference Chair - Travel and subsistence support of the Conference Chair can only be approved by the following authorities:
    • SIG Conferences-Chair of the SIG
    • Conference Committee Members-Conference Chair

No volunteer, other than the President, may approve his/her own travel request. For jointly sponsored conferences, please refer to the MOU for expense reimbursement procedures.

  1. For unbudgeted travel, the Travel Request Authorization Form will be utilized. Part C is not applicable unless payment is to be effected at ACM Headquarters.
  2. Submission Process for Travel Request - Parts A & B of the Travel Request Form must be completed PRIOR to travel and forwarded to the Conference Treasurer (if he/she is responsible for payment). If ACM is responsible for payment the form should be sent to the appropriate SIG Services Staff Liaison for processing. The Conference Chair should inform his/her committee who will be processing payments at ACM headquarters.
  3. Submission Process for Expense Reports - The ACM Expense Report should be used to submit actual expenses and receipts. Scanned receipts for airline and/or rail tickets, car rental, hotel, laundry/valet service, etc. must be attached to the report.  Receipts must indicate payment was made/zero balance.  Please do not submit boarding passes.  In order to expedite reimbursement, please be sure to provide correct/required receipts. Expense reports should be submitted to the same individual/party who received the approved travel request form.  For unbudgeted travel, please submit expense reports to the same individual/party who received Travel Authorization Form.  
  4. ACM Volunteer Policies - All ACM Volunteer Travel Policies, summarized above, (sections A-C), that do not conflict with this Section D, also apply to conference committee expenses.

All authorizations and requests for reimbursements should emailed to the appropriate SIG Services Staff Liaison.