SGB/SGB-EC Action Items
Action: Baglio will have ACM HQ staff put together a summary of exposure for each of the SIGs. This information will be forwarded to the SGB EC for review and will be included in future viability reports.(5/5/03)
Action: Frawley to work with SIGecom leadership to provide an update to the SGB EC at the Sept'05 meeting following the Ecom'05 conference.
Action: R. Walker to appoint SGB representative to PD Committee to oversee the pilot test and fully develop the operations and budget models for the PDC program.
Action: Ramdin to modify the DL revenue distribution mechanism so that no SIG will receive less than $10,000.
Action: Baglio to inform appropriate staff that SIGACCESS has been taken out of transition and placed in permanent status for a 2 year period.
Action: Frawley to modify viability schedule and schedule SIGACCESS for March'07 review.
Action: Frawley to modify viability schedule and schedule SIGMICRO for March'09 review.
Action: Frawley to modify viability schedule and schedule SIGMM for March'09 review.
Action: Frawley to modify viability schedule and schedule SIGSAC for March'09 review.
Action: Frawley to modify viability schedule and schedule SIGSAM for March'07 review.
Action: Volcheck to provide SGB EC with written update on SIGSAM activities and finances in March'06.
Action: Frawley to modify viability schedule and schedule SIGSIM for March'09 review.
Action: Ignatoff to modify viability schedule and schedule SIGSOFT for March'09 review.
Action: R. Walker to send note to Chris Stevenson informing her that the SGB allocated $100K per year for CSTA funding. Note should indicate that the funding is renewable for 3 years with the endorsement of the SGB, the concerns of the SGB and the reporting requirements of CSTA.
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